MP Zimmer Presents Pro-LNG Petition in the House of Commons
OTTAWA – Bob Zimmer, Member of Parliament for Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies, presented a petition in the House of Commons today signed by hundreds of Northern BC residents in support of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects.
“Mr. Speaker, it is my honour today to present this petition which represents thousands of people in British Columbia who want to see LNG go forward,” said Mr. Zimmer. “I would like to respect the efforts of Kristi Pimm-De Maid and Alan Yu on this petition.”
The petition, which Mr. Zimmer took back to Ottawa after receiving it at the Fort St. John Truck Rally in March, calls on the Government of Canada to approve, at the earliest opportunity, the construction and operation of LNG plants and the construction of natural gas pipelines required to supply these LNG plants with natural gas.
This petition is just one of many initiatives being organized by local residents in an effort to show Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Cabinet that there is strong support for LNG in Northern BC.
“I am proud to be able to offer my support to residents like Alan Yu and Kristi Pimm-De Maid, who have been working so tirelessly to ensure that the voices of ‘yes’ in our region are heard,” said Mr. Zimmer after presenting the petition. “I am once again calling on the Prime Minister to do the right thing for British Columbia, Canada, and the global environment and support BC LNG.”
Link to video of Mr. Zimmer presenting the petition:
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