Have Your Say On The Backcountry Closures!

I was pleased to be able to attend the Caribou Engagement meeting in Mackenzie last night. It’s clear that there are many concerns with the plans to effectively shut down the back country to not only industry but to all activity.
This potentially includes but is not limited to; hikers, mountain bikers, snowmobilers and campers. We all want to maintain the caribou herds but if this extreme action isn’t even going to work it shouldn’t be taken. This is why consultation is needed from all concerned groups, not just a select few as has happened in this case.
Have your say today, contact the provincial and federal Ministers’ responsible.
Honourable Doug Donaldson,
Minister of Forestry, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
(250) 842-6338
Honourable George Heyman
Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
(604) 775-2453
Honourable Catherine McKenna
Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada
(613) 946-8682
MP Sean Fraser
Parliamentary Secretary for Environment and Climate Change Canada
(902) 867-2919